Had a bad Easter? Hate your job? Think that mankind's problems are insurmountable? Then why not join a campaign for voluntary human extinction. Actually, not a joke. The folks over at the 'Voluntary Human Extinction Movement' are entirely serious, and suggest that voluntary human extinction is the best, most efficient way to tackle human disasters. Their motto is "May we live long and die out". Hmm. Their abbreviation is 'VHEMt', which bizarrely they manage to pronounce 'vehement'. Don't worry though, they're not so vehement as to want to eradicate our species with lasers or disease - they just want people to volunteer not to have any children. And then wait. If you weren't intending to have any anyway, good for you - but perhaps consider joining just to boost their numbers. If you've already produced, don't worry, just convince your offspring that you don't want any grandkids. No doubt by this point you will clamouring for further details - the conferences, the t-shirts, the support groups. Look no further:
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